About Us

My name is Tonia L. Clark and I am the founder, chief graphic designer, editor, and owner of Why Not Mom the blog and shop!
I'm a single divorced mom of three teens residing in Lafayette, Indiana.
Shout out to my fellow Hoosiers!
For the past decade, I have been working towards building a unique organization of female business owners and inventors, most of them moms, creating a diverse network that assists each other in driving more business to one another, in addition to providing tools and resources to achieve success in their business endeavors. It is my passion and ultimate goal to turn Why Not Mom into the world's largest online directory of women-owned businesses in the pursuit of strengthening families and supporting small business owners worldwide.
When I started this journey nearly a decade ago, it began as a search to assist my own family with our financial struggles. Along the way, I discovered so MANY amazing talented women who wanted nothing more than to provide a better life for their families and communities. I heard their stories; I felt their passion as well as their pain. These women are my inspiration and drive behind what I do. I am truly empowered by their strength and stories daily. I have wanted to create this directory for so long now, and so many obstacles have stood in my way. The biggest has been the enormous cost to create it. That is why I knew I needed to do something that would not only help my family but others as well.
Why Not Mom Designs is born from the desire to do just that!
I am SO excited to provide a line of my digital products and services to begin the journey towards launching this directory. Every single order, every single purchase no matter how big or small, means the WORLD to me and I cherish every one of my customers and I’m honored with every referral they send my way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ♥
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I’m on them all!